Pembrokeshire Coast National Park New Local Development Plan

The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority has prepared pre-deposit proposals documents for the above plan. The Local Development Plan (LDP) will, upon adoption, replace the current development plan and be the basis for decisions on land use planning for the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
The pre-deposit proposals documents outline the Authority’s vision, preferred strategy and key policies. The documents are supported by key background information, an initial sustainability appraisal report (which includes the environmental report), an Equalities Impact Assessment and a Candidate Site Register (sites nominated for allocation in the Local Development Plan are listed).
The strategy, sustainability appraisal, equalities impact assessment, and candidate site register are available for comment.
There is also an opportunity to propose change to candidate sites submitted already or to propose new ones.
Copies of the pre-deposit proposals documents are available for public inspection free of charge
at the National Park Authority Head Office, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, SA72 6DY. Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and on Fridays between 9am and 4.30pm.
At Oriel y Parc, St Davids and Newport Information Centre during normal opening hours.
They are also available on the Authority’s website at: and public libraries with web access.
Comments in respect of the proposals, should be sent either in writing to the Head of Park Direction, Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority, Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire, SA72 6DY or on-line to before 4.30 pm on Friday 21 July 2017. If you have any queries regarding the documents please contact the Park Direction Team.
A form for making comments is available from the above address or on-line at
There will be a further opportunity for representations to be made at the deposit stage and these representations will be considered at the Examination.
The documents relate to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Pembrokeshire County Council is the planning authority for the rest of Pembrokeshire and has its own Local Development Plan.
Yours sincerely
Martina Dunne
Head of Park Direction